Tennis and Covid-19

Tennis and Covid-19

There’s no polite way to say it. Covid sucks more than having to return a lefty kick serve. As much as we’re trying to get on with everyday life, things just won’t be the same until we evade this pesky pandemic that’s dominated our lives since March of 2020. 

The effort everyone has made to find some semblance and normality is nothing short of exemplary, and everyone should be proud of how our communities have handled something that we’ve simply never prepared for. Though the introverts and germaphobes out there might argue they’ve been preparing for this their whole lives. 

While professional sports have given us some great entertainment, they’re admittedly lacking the usual excitement that a stadium full of rabid fans brings. Even recreational sports, with the regulations on numbers and distancing protocols, have reduced the usual enthusiasm we see in team sports and other athletic events that require close contact.
But tennis? Tennis was made for this.

It was as if our sport was created by people who actively wanted to avoid each other.  They obviously still wanted some physical activity, but not at the cost of having to touch another person, I guess. Tennis was social distancing before it was cool. Even if you’re playing doubles, you’re still trying to separate as much as possible from your partner in fear of being yelled at for not covering your side of the court.
Tennis is one of the few sports that we can be fully invested in without worry or hesitation that we’re getting too close to another player. Personally, I find it difficult to get my head in a game when there’s reluctance and indecision. It’s a challenging way to play sports.

So celebrate, tennis fans! As we can continue playing this great game that’s equal parts athleticism, skill and infuriating frustration.

Here’s hoping that you and your loved ones stay safe and healthy and that we can get back to normal in the very near future. Until then, your serve.


We're proud to be featured on Feedspot's Top 100 tennis blogs. Check out their site for lots of other tennis content!

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